We are happy to help clubs and venues improve their facilities by making a small interest-free loan. This support from the county can be invaluable to clubs and venues in getting their projects off the ground and may help with short-term cash flow. Our small loan scheme is open to clubs and venues that register with Kent Tennis and pay the county fee. Applications for loans of between £1000 and £10,000 will be considered as long as the loan represents less than 75% of the total cost of the project. Loans up to £25,000 might be considered in exceptional circumstances.
All loans are repayable over 5 years in half-yearly installments.
St John’s LTC said: In 2017, following the demise of our Bowls Club, we initially turned the bowling green into 2 grass courts - but with an eye on the longer-term, a project team was formed to develop a plan to convert these courts into 2 artificial clay courts at a cost of around £300,000. Through their parent company, the club secured a £140,000 LTA Quick Access Loan as well as funding from members, but despite using the ‘Project Development - Sinking Fund’ allocation from our cash reserves, the club remained £25,000 short. We knew that Kent Tennis, in some circumstances provide interest-free loans and they came to our rescue!!
We were directed to the application form on the Kent Tennis website which was clear, concise and easy to complete. We supplied recent accounts and a 5‑year business plan to demonstrate our ability to repay the loan and our plans for membership growth. The Kent Tennis loan panel reviewed our plan and asked a number of sensible commercial questions, to which we were able to provide satisfactory answers. The loan documentation process was very straightforward, as was the loan drawdown. The whole process from initial contact to receiving the loan capital was timely, efficient, and allowed us to complete our funding package and ultimately commence the project.
Kevin Harber, who led the negotiations with Kent Tennis, said: “We are most grateful to Nigel and the team at Kent Tennis for making this loan available - from the initial discussions, to signing the Loan Agreement and the release of funds was smooth and impeccably managed.
Nigel Jordan, chair of Kent Tennis, said: "We are delighted to provide financial backing to enable St John’s Lawn Tennis Club to carry out this exciting development - and I hope by highlighting our support this will encourage other clubs to approach us for similar funding opportunities".

What is funded?
Loans are available:
for improvements to facilities
To help increase participation
but will not be made to cover day-to-day running costs or normal maintenance and repairs etc.
Clubs & venues will be asked to demonstrate that their safeguarding arrangements are sound, that coaches and assistants are DBS checked and LTA-accredited
Your application will have to be supported by copies of the financial statements or accounts for the last 2 years
You can download the application form HERE
Click here for information on LTA Tennis & Padel facility funding & advice
If you are at an early stage in your project and wish to discuss options and ideas,
please call the county office team